Thursday, December 21, 2006

Me going to London

My Nana and I with some Beefeaters at the Tower of London

I haven't done a blog entry for awhile because I had been in London. I went to London because of my cat-toy business. Patricia Parker invited me to be a part of the Christmas Concert for Kids for Kids, which is a fundraiser and also a celebration. I went and I got to spend one week there doing fun things.

At the Christmas Concert I was interviewed by Alastair Stewart so people could learn about my cat-toy business. He is a news reporter for the show "London Tonight". He was nice and we got to talk about horses before the interview. Also I got to light the Candle of Peace near the beginning of the concert.

Lighting the Candle of Peace - that's Alastair Stewart behind me and the choirs

At the concert some famous people did readings, like Prunella Scales, Lord Carrington, and Lord Cope (he was super nice). There was music too by 3 choirs and some fanfare trumpeters. Also Patricia Parker did a long speech about Kids for Kids and all the things Kids for Kids has done for children in Sudan. It made me feel good and proud to hear all that. The next time I write in my blog I will tell all about what she said.

Fanfare trumpeters in the balcony

I did a lot of other stuff on my trip, but I spent the most time at the British Museum. They had backpacks with activities that were fun. I got to learn about mummies, Egypt, Southeast Asia, archaeology, and lots of other things.

This activity was to try to sit like the Buddha statue.

If you know what a garderobe is, don't worry - I wasn't really using it!!!

I got to spend the day with Patricia Parker. It was good to spend a day with someone that I'd never really seen before but I knew by emailing back and forth. I liked the pictures of the children in Sudan that she showed me because I like kids and then I could imagine what it would be like in Sudan. When she told the story about how she was kidnapped by rebels and then drew sketches of them and they let her go, it made me feel safe like she could protect herself. Maybe someday Patricia can be in a book about heros like we have at school. I want to be like Patricia when I'm bigger.

Me with Patricia Parker, giving her a check for 33 more goats

Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Perfect Gift for Cat Lovers, that Helps Kids in Sudan!

If you are looking for a good gift, here’s where you’ll find it: Playful Pancakes – Buy a Cat Toy, Save a Life.
Playful Pancakes are cat toys hand made by kids out of leather scraps that were going to be thrown away. Each one costs $21 which is donated to Kids for Kids to buy one goat for starving kids in Sudan.
I’ve raised enough so far to buy over 100 goats, and now my goal is 3000 so please help.
You can buy a Playful Pancake from here or go to Soft Star Shoes website or to their store on 2nd Street in Corvallis to buy them.
Please tell a lot of people about this really good gift idea.
This is a really good idea for someone who you can't figure out what to get them!